Nicole Eichenberg

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The Cemetery and the Underground City (I Make My Friends Do Weird Things)

Good evening, party people.  I had quite the busy day.  Tom Bomb and I went to the Sacramento Historic City Cemetery, and it was an adventure.  Tom appeared promptly at noon in a cloud of smoke like a wizard.  I literally smelled him before I saw him.

Tom and I spent about an hour just walking around and checking out the history and cool headstones.

It's crazy to think about how differently people lived 150 years ago, especially that people could die at 35 of "natural causes".

Hey Tom, where do you see yourself in five years?

After the cemetery,  I stopped by Old Sac to take the underground tour.  If you've never done it, it's pretty cool.  Unfortunately, they do not allow photography, so I guess you'll just have to take the tour and get the full experience.

This has been a busy weekend.  I am very sleep-deprived, and I have a lot to do before work tomorrow.  I'll post the creepy screenshot of the day in the morning.

Evan, I know you're reading this.  You need to e-mail me your write-up about last night!