Nicole Eichenberg

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Happy Birthday T$!

Today is my friend Theresa's birthday, or as we like to call her, T-Money.  She had a white elephant gift exchange.  The first gift I picked turned out to be spherical ice molds and a metal rooster.

My friend Diana had to explain to me that it's supposed to be cock-and-balls.  It got stolen from me during the next round.  Ain't that the story of my life.

I also made this bomb Mexican street corn pasta salad, which I will post a picture of for no other reason than it is my greatest accomplishment today.

I don't really have a lot to say tonight, which might actually be a good thing.  Tomorrow night is New Year's Eve and I will be both sober and third-wheeling it with my friend Andrea and her husband.  Like a boss.

Is anyone making any resolutions for the new year?  I used to, but it's been so long since I stuck to any of them, I eventually just stopped making any.  Problem solved, yo.

It's been a long couple of weeks of working a ridiculous amount of overtime, so I am going to get some sleep.  See you lovely people in the morning.