Nicole Eichenberg

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Go, Speed Dater!

A few business items before I get into tonight's activities:

The Station 102 show on 1/27 has been canceled.  We are all super bummed.  I'll let you know if/when it gets rescheduled.

The Willie Listen show at Luna's on 1/24 is still a go!  In fact, Willie just made this poster.

Come see Willie Travis get strangled by a lei, me get fake arrested, Stephen Ferris hitchhike down a stairwell, and Teo Morgan look terrified.  Or Teo-rified, if you will.

Alright, tonight was my fourth round of speed dating.  I told one of the guys that it was my fourth time, and his answer was, "I guess it doesn't work, then".  Touche, but true.

As usual, the other women were my favorite part of the evening.  They were all very kind and friendly, and one of the best times I had tonight was standing in line for the bathroom getting to know all of them.   I hope that we can all hang out again.  Someone should invent friend speed dating.  Speed friending.  I don't know.  It's late and I'm tired.  Moving along.

If anyone is unfamiliar with the way speed dating works, there are a bunch of tables with numbers on them.  Each table has two people, and every six minutes the moderator rings a bell to tell the men to move to the next table.  Six minutes is both incredibly short and an eternity, depending on the conversational skills of the people at the table.  Fun fact: don't tell people that you do stand-up comedy if you don't want it to consume the rest of the six-minute session.  You will realize afterwards that you know virtually nothing about them, but they will all know the details of your upcoming shows.

I'll be frank: I marked a lot fewer "yeses" than in my last three speed dating attempts.  Maybe some of it is my state of mind right now.  Maybe part of it is that I finally realized you shouldn't say yes to someone you can't imagine going out with on an actual date.  

So the question of the day is: did it work?  I guess.  The matches aren't generally sent out until a few days after the event, so I should be getting an e-mail on Friday.  

One of the guys came over and talked to me at the bar before the speed dating started, then stopped me to talk on my way out.  He asked for my number before I left, which is against the rules, but I admire his initiative.  We'll see how it goes.

I need to sleep.  I'll see you guys in the morning.