Nicole Eichenberg

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What Are You Bringing to the Table?

I want to discuss the subject of what people contribute to relationships, and I’m going to use the metaphor of bringing something to the table.  What one person finds desirable, another person might find disgusting.  I don’t eat meat, so I wouldn’t be thrilled to have someone bring me a prime rib.  Another woman would be overjoyed by this giant hunk of meat.  That’s not a euphemism.  Don’t read into it, you pervert.

I’ve been doing some thinking lately about couples who are both perfectly nice people, but maybe just aren’t right for each other.  I’ve been guilty of trying to force a relationship before because I feel like I owe it to the other person to give it a chance, or I want it to work so badly that I try to overcompensate.

I’ve spent far too much of my life trying to provide guys with what they want, not who I am.  I’ve been asked to change my personality and appearance.  No one wants to feel like a fixer-upper.  Hopefully there’s someone out there who finds your quirks endearing, or at least tolerable.

I guess my point is that if you feel like either you’re not bringing enough to the table, your partner doesn’t think you’re bringing enough to the table, or that your partner isn’t doing his/her share, maybe it’s time to get separate tables.  Tables where someday you can find someone who brings the things you need.  Or at least you can eat by yourself in peace for a while without someone bugging you.