Nicole Eichenberg

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Good afternoon.  I’m posting this early because I have a busy evening, and I want to just go to bed afterwards.

I am not good at dating.  For a long time, I was a complete doormat and would justify all kinds of uncool behavior.  Now I do the opposite.  I run at the first sign of trouble.  Maybe because I feel like I have less time to waste now.  Maybe because most of the time, I would rather be alone than on a bad date or dealing with someone else’s issues.  It’s bad in some ways.  It’s good in other ways.  It is what it is.

I am not a ride-or-die chick.  I’m actually pretty selfish in a lot of ways.  I’m not the kind of person who can give selflessly without getting a return, or put a lot of effort into something futile.  Again, it’s something that’s both good and bad.

There’s something to be said for cutting your losses early and getting out before it’s too late.  I’m not into prolonging the inevitable.  

Follow your brain.  Your heart is stupid as sh*t.