Nicole Eichenberg

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10 Things I Hate About Traveling

Evening, folks.  Jessica and our friend Marcus hate stuff about traveling.  I’m too lazy to log onto my computer and format this properly, so I’m doin’ it on mobile.


10 Things I Hate About Traveling 

  1. Flying Coach: well, everything except for the price.
  2. Sitting next to people who snore: also, sleeping next to people who snore.  Snoring in general. 
  3. Layovers in crappy, antiquated airports: especially if there is nowhere to eat and nothing to do (also see #9). 
  4. Long security lines: I am working on getting TSA pre-approved as we speak. 
  5. Carry-on baggage scans: Jessica’s tip is to not pack jelly beans in your carry-on.  Apparently they look like drugs when x-rayed.
  6. People shoving oversized bags in the overhead bins that take up too much room: also, YOU KNOW if your bag is obviously not going to fit up there.  Physics, yo. 
  7. Attempting to pack according to the weather forecast: obviously, meteorology can’t predict everything.  It does suck when you’re wearing flip-flops and you should have brought snowshoes. 
  8. People who hog the armrest and invade your leg room: especially when they cross their legs so that their feet are dangling in your space. 
  9. Slow WiFi: hope you downloaded some movies off Netflix. 
  10. Sitting in front of kids who kick the back of your seat: a cocktail sounds nice right about now. 


I’m flying to Hawaii in October.  It looks like I’m doing an out-of-town show the night before, and my flight leaves at 6 am.  Maybe I’ll just stay up all night so I can sleep through the five-hour flight. 

I’m watching Gordon Ramsay annihilate a local chef on Hulu.  I hope you all have a nice evening.