I was going to say you remind me of Charles Manson.
Not a whole lot to report today. My day job is kicking my butt, but I have full benefits so I can't complain. Trying to motivate myself to work on my various projects.
Erin and I started Journal 29, and it is HARD.
It's ok. I like feeling dumb.
And then there's the book of writing prompts that Erin bought me.
At a page a day, I should be a much better writer in a year's time. I apologize in advance to those of you who read this blog between now and then.
Oh yeah, and Jessica and I are writing one short story per week from this book of story prompts that she gave me earlier this year.
Jess and I are also reading half a book per week. This fortnight's selection is The Woman on the Orient Express by Lindsay Jayne, which I highly recommend so far.
If you have any suggestions on where Eddie and I should go in our tracksuits on Saturday, or if you would like to submit your own wacky experience, e-mail me at nicole@thebeentheredonethatproject.com.