It’s a GERD, It’s a Plane!

Good morning!  I’m thankful that I have today off, because acid reflux kept me up most of the night.  Getting older is fun.  I did make this awesome Shakshuka, though.


Today’s screenshot is not creepy.  This guy seems to be really trying. 


Part of me wanted to just answer “NO.”  Another part of me wanted to message him back and suggest re-wording it to something like “Tell me about your favorite concert or professional sporting event experience.”  It’s a way more open-ended question, and hopefully leads to some discussion.

I don’t think I ever did answer that guy, but it was because I got locked out of my POF account.  It’s a blessing in disguise.  I was getting a lot of hateful messages.   

Alright, I’m gonna find some non-acidic food since I’m having poke tonight.  See you guys in the evening.