10 Things I Hate About Family Vacations

Jessica has been on a roll with the "10 Things I Hate" lists...probably because she just got back from a family camping trip.  Anyway, here's what she loathes about family trips.

10 Things I Hate About: Family Vacations

1) Being expected to spend ALL of your waking time with the whole group.

2) On vacations involving extended families, one person trying to be the chief of the tribe when there are multiple clans.  What works for one does not necessarily work for all!  It’s called compromise, people!

3) Family members who don’t pull their weight – uneven division of labor.

4) Cheapskates/freeloaders. 

5) Inadequate sleeping arrangements, esp. when you are the only adult who is single/unmarried, no kids.  You just get grouped with other people or stuck on a sofa somewhere.  And you’ve probably paid an equal share of the cost, too! Not fair! 

6) Putting the children’s needs first all of the time, i.e. children going before the adults in the food line, all the activities revolve around them, etc.

7) Opinionated family members.  If it doesn’t affect you, what do you care?!

8) Thoughtlessness in trip planning, i.e. not taking into consideration people’s financial situations and interests.  

9) Role expectations.  Automatically assuming that, whatever it is that needs to be done, a certain person will handle it, without asking them if they can/will/mind doing it.

10) Long road trips with the fam.  I love my parents, but there is nothing like being in the backseat of the family car listening to my parents bickering in the front to make me feel more grateful that I’m an adult now and no longer live with them and don’t have to listen to it on a daily basis anymore!

Tru dat.  Alright, I need to work on my set for The Shoe Shoe on Wednesday, so I'm out.  See you guys in the morning.