10 Things That Make You Go 'Hmm'

I’ve been bad about posting. Not much has happened, other than getting ready for the three shows I’m in this week. Anyway, here are Jessica’s 10 Things That Make You Go ‘Hmm"‘.

10 Things That Make You Go “Hmmm…”

  1. Are crabs (and we don’t mean pubic) social creatures?

  2. Are lemurs marsupials?

  3. Why are there 10 hot dogs per pack but only 8 hot dog buns per pack?

  4. How do they pick the Pantone color of the year? And what the hell is a Pantone?

  5. Why are clothes ever labeled “One Size Fits All” when it clearly isn’t true?

  6. Why is common sense not very common?

  7. Why does the carpool lane move slower than the fast lane?

  8. Do fish sleep with their eyes open?

  9. Why are they called chicken nuggets when chickens don’t have nuggets?

  10. Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?

Alright, time to get more stuff done. See you guys tomorrow.

10 Things I Hate About Lines

Evening, all.  Jessica has been awesome and produced another top 10 list.  Here are 10 things that Jessica hates about lines.

10 Things I Hate About: Lines

  1. People who cut into them.
  2. If ordering food, people who get to the front of the line and STILL don’t know what they want.  Join the line AFTER you figure it out!
  3. People standing too closely to you in them.  Keep an arms-length distance, people!
  4. The person behind you repeatedly bumping into you in line.  See number 3!
  5. People standing behind you popping gum in your ear.
  6. People on the phone behind you in line ranting in your ear.
  7. Standing in line (esp. downwind!) behind someone who has B.O.
  8. Standing in line outdoors and the person in front of/behind you lighting up a cigarette.  Thanks for giving me cancer due to second-hand smoke, asshole.
  9. At the airport, people cutting into a boarding group to which they are clearly not assigned. 
  10. After handing in your boarding pass, standing in line to board the aircraft and waiting in line for people to shoehorn their oversized bags into the overhead bins and taking forever to do it because the bag DOES NOT FIT AND SHOULD HAVE BEEN CHECKED BAGGAGE! See previous post “10 Things I Hate About: Traveling”!

Thank you to everyone who has been really cool and supportive the past few days.  I really appreciate you guys.

I need to unwind.  See you all tomorrow.

10 Things I Hate About Family Vacations

Jessica has been on a roll with the "10 Things I Hate" lists...probably because she just got back from a family camping trip.  Anyway, here's what she loathes about family trips.

10 Things I Hate About: Family Vacations

1) Being expected to spend ALL of your waking time with the whole group.

2) On vacations involving extended families, one person trying to be the chief of the tribe when there are multiple clans.  What works for one does not necessarily work for all!  It’s called compromise, people!

3) Family members who don’t pull their weight – uneven division of labor.

4) Cheapskates/freeloaders. 

5) Inadequate sleeping arrangements, esp. when you are the only adult who is single/unmarried, no kids.  You just get grouped with other people or stuck on a sofa somewhere.  And you’ve probably paid an equal share of the cost, too! Not fair! 

6) Putting the children’s needs first all of the time, i.e. children going before the adults in the food line, all the activities revolve around them, etc.

7) Opinionated family members.  If it doesn’t affect you, what do you care?!

8) Thoughtlessness in trip planning, i.e. not taking into consideration people’s financial situations and interests.  

9) Role expectations.  Automatically assuming that, whatever it is that needs to be done, a certain person will handle it, without asking them if they can/will/mind doing it.

10) Long road trips with the fam.  I love my parents, but there is nothing like being in the backseat of the family car listening to my parents bickering in the front to make me feel more grateful that I’m an adult now and no longer live with them and don’t have to listen to it on a daily basis anymore!

Tru dat.  Alright, I need to work on my set for The Shoe Shoe on Wednesday, so I'm out.  See you guys in the morning.

10 Things I Hate About Weddings

Good...afternoon.  I'm posting a little early today, both because Jessica gave me a handwritten list that I have to type up, and because I want the evening to myself.  So yeah, here are 10 things that Jessica hates about weddings.

10 Things I Hate About Weddings

  1. Expensive destination weddings.  Are you secretly hoping I RSVP "regretfully I cannot attend" so that you don't have to buy my dinner?
  2. Toasts that become roasts.  Chose your maid of honor and best man wisely--make sure these people have a filter.  They know your past and can bring up the "ex-files".
  3. Freakish themes.  Don't mandate that your wedding party dress like freaks just so it makes you and your husband look good (think 27 Dresses.  If you have not seen it, watch it.  Learn from it).
  4. Seating arrangements.  If you must assign your guests to tables, be sensitive and thoughtful.  Don't leave your adult single friend sitting at the kids' table to babysit.
  5. Poorly planned venues.  If it's winter, have it indoors, please!  Don't make guests suffer inclement weather.
  6. Nourishment.  Serving the reception dinner late, especially without sufficient appetizers, is hard on your guests.  Bread and crudite only tide people over for so long.
  7. Dry weddings...unless it is for religious reasons.
  8. Groomsmen and bridesmaids hooking up at the wedding.  Keep it in your pants for just one night.  I beg of you.  Especially if this leads to drama afterwards.
  9. The bouquet toss.  Extra annoying: playing "Single Ladies" by Queen Bey.  The bouquet toss has tainted that song forever.  By the way, thanks to the person who inevitably forces me to participate in the bouquet toss, thus publicly announcing that I am still single.
  10. Bad music/entertainment.  Please do not invite your little brother's garage band to play your wedding.  Please get a decent DJ/wedding singer/orchestra.

Well, gang, I'm off to read for the rest of the evening.  I hope that you all have a lovely time watching fireworks, or doing whatever it is you're doing tonight.

10 Things I Hate About Engagements

Sup.  Tonight's post is 10 things that Jessica and I hate about engagements.  Again...a topic in which I have a lot of experience.  1-9 is Jessica.  10 is all me.

10 Things I Hate About: Engagements

  1. Announcing your engagement at someone else’s party/event.  Let them have their moment--yours will come, you attention whore!
  2. Bridezillas.  Who doesn’t?!
  3. Long, drawn-out ones.  Exceptions: When one of you is in the military stationed abroad. (Also refer to #6 of the previous list – 10 Things I Hate About : Proposals)
  4. Multiple parties/showers (more than two).  If you must, have the His side shower and Her side shower and then no more parties.
  5. Excessively large wedding parties, esp. uneven ones.   Please try to have an even number of bridesmaids and groomsmen, it is less awkward.  And unless you are royalty, six on each side is plenty.
  6. Poorly chosen bridesmaids/groomsmen.  Choose your team wisely--think of the bachelor and bachelorette parties that will ensue: the only people who should need babysitting during that party is the bride/groom.  No bridesmaid or groomsman should get so sloppily drunk/publicly inappropriate that they need a babysitter, too.
  7. Grooms who are NIDs (Not Into Details).  Do not make your bride-to-be do all of the work planning your wedding.
  8. Exceeding the wedding budget.  Planning it is stressful enough--coming up with extra money at that last minute to pay for it just makes it worse. Don’t start your married life broke and in debt from your wedding--save that experience for your future house and kids!
  9. Greedy wedding registries.  Are you really going to ever use those Swarovski crystal-studded olive picks that cost $50 per pick?
  10. Making your wedding party pay a ridiculous amount of money for all of the wedding-related events.  All of the custom-printed tanks, tutus, wigs, hotel rooms and plane tickets add up.  We want to support you, but not to the point where we have to cash in our 401ks.

Alright, that's about it for tonight.  Comment below if you have anything to add, and/or want to argue.  I need to work on some comedy stuff and then read more of a Sherlock Holmes/H.P. Lovecraft crossover anthology.  See you guys in the morning.

10 Things I Hate About Proposals

Greetings!  Jessica is back to writing top 10 lists of things she hates, and this week she is focusing on all things wedding-related.  I can relate, based off my extensive personal experience in this department.

Tonight is 10 things she/we hate about proposals.  1-7 are Jessica.  8-10 are all me.

10 Things I Hate About You: Proposals

  1. Proposing by hiding the ring in food.  The surprise should be the proposal, not a chipped tooth or unplanned trip to the ER because I choked on it.  If you are going to “hide” the ring, put it in a glass of bubbly where I have a chance of seeing it before I swallow it!
  2. Proposing without a ring.  If all you can afford is one out of a Cracker Jack box (‘There’s a surprise in every box!’), that’s ok! You should proffer a token of some kind that I can wear.
  3. Proposing on the JumboTron. I appreciate that you want the whole world to know how you feel about me, but I prefer the moment to be between us, meaning you and me, not with the entire Raider Nation! (Esp. not with that motley crew!)
  4. Proposing (anywhere) when you don’t really love me.
  5. Proposing to me just to get your green card.  See Number 4.!
  6. Proposing via Skype or text.  Unless you are in the military and stationed abroad and cannot do so in person.  It is a personal moment to be experienced viscerally, not virtually!
  7. Proposing with bad timing.  I don’t care if you have planned to do it on a certain day at a certain time.  If that time comes, and I just told you my cat died, please. Wait and let me mourn first.  Asking me to marry you will not make me feel better about my loss!
  8. Proposing when one/both of us are excessively intoxicated.  I would like to remember the experience, and I don't want to have to explain it to our grandchildren.  Also, this is not a good idea if you're an angry drunk and punch your new fiancee in the face within hours of proposing.
  9. Proposing with a caveat: "I'll marry you if..."  I would rather not be the girl you want to spend the rest of your life with if I will change core parts of my identity.
  10. Proposing, but changing your mind afterwards.  For instance, within 24 hours of the proposal.  This should not be a "maybe" thing.

Alright, that about sums it up for the night.  Comment if you have anything to add to this list.  I really want to finish A Head Full of Ghosts, so I'll see you guys in the morning.


Morning, all.  I had the pleasure of meeting Catherine Wong at KDVS a few weeks ago.  She writes poetry and lyrics, and in her own words, "I am currently attending college cause I don't feel like I've wasted enough money through simple existence and am hoping to make writing my lifelong, broke career choice."

Anyway, here are a few of her poems.

Where All We are Headed

Where all we are headed,

Like a mob of unwedded brides.

When I find the suitor,

gonna pursue with loving eyes,

if I can pull off that disguise. 


Sitting in Metaphorical Traffic, Right?

Sitting in metaphorical traffic, 

Always open for interpretation

why don't you build your own bad metaphor and sing it into my song?

Couldn't be so hard,

Just think of the hellish things you can think of,

And then hold them in 

Until it hops out in some other forms. 


The Numbers Pass By

The numbers pass by, 

in sequence like a fantasy

And I'm not fast enough, or smart enough to understand how they breed.

In the dim limelights, maybe

On counters and desks, in writer's hands and checks,

like rabbits in a huddle, turn away and return doubled

Do they make love tenderly in corners

So later they can screw me over. 

I apologize for the weird spacing and formatting issues.  I am obviously not a professional at this. I hope that you all like Catherine's poetry as much as I do, and I hope she allows me to post more of it in the future.

Alright, I need to make myself look decent and then head out to Yountville.  See you tonight.

Bad Superheroes

Good evening!  There is now a teaser for the renamed Bad Superheroes.  Check it out.

It's fun.  This is also what happens when someone tells me "send me a video of whatever you're doing right now", and I've been sick in bed for five days.

Alright gang, I'm gonna play some Night Shift and sleep.  Have a lovely evening.

Grunk The Smasher

Good evening!

My comedy bro Teo Morgan is in a movie called Grunk the Smasher.  It's an indie film, and it looks campy and fun as hell.

Since it is an indie production, it's going to take time and money to bring it to life.  If you're interested in contributing to the cause, you can click through to the Indiegogo page.

I need to introvert a bit, so imma listen to Lore and play Night Shift (which is more challenging than I expected).  I also need to finish The Monkey Wrench Gang at one point.  See you guys in the morning.

MacClain & Cole

Good evening!  So Jason Cole is really super amazing, and it turns out he's in a band called MacClain & Cole.  He sent me one of their songs to listen to last night, and sadly it took me about two hours to figure out that HE WAS PLAYING GUITAR ON THE TRACK.  You can't hear the new song...yet.  But go ahead and listen to this one.

I'm super excited for the new song to officially come out, and I'll post it once it's available to the public.

Alright, I'm gonna play some Night Shift and finish the new episode of Alice Isn't Dead.  And hopefully finish The Monkey Wrench Gang.  See you guys in the morning.

That's Not Gravy

Good evening!


I met Jason Cole at Capitol Punishment on Friday.  Jason is a Bay Area comic who is funny as all holy hell.  He also has a podcast called That's Not Gravy (TNG), which I am posting a link to below.

Jason is a nice guy, and I'm looking forward to working with him more in the future.

Alright gang, I need to introvert for a while.  See you in the morning.

Davis Radio Theater

Good evening!

I spent the afternoon with Les Light and the Davis Radio Theater watching a few voice actors perform an adaptation of Patricia Willers' short story "Pozole, because rain".  It's an amazing piece of fiction with a lot of subtle nuances.  Her collection of short stories "Case By Case Basis" is available on Amazon for 99 cents if you're interested, which you should be.  I bought it right after the recording session ended.

If you're interested in checking out what Les is doing, click the button below:

I'm excited for the chance to work with Les in a writing/performing capacity at a future date.  I have lots of ideas.  Stay tuned...

Alright, I'm gonna look over my friend Charlie Spink's sketch comedy script for a while, then play Night Shift.  See you guys in the morning.

The Knitting Circle

Good evening!  Part 2 of Token Male dropped today, and I invite you to step inside...the knitting circle.

Part 2

Thanks again to Rhoda D. Ramone, Kristen Frisk Christensen, Diana Hong and Kayla Velasquez for making this all come together.  You ladies are all amazing, and I can't wait to work with you again.

I need to work on my set for Saturday and sleep.  I'll see you guys in the morning.

The Hard Place

Good evening!  Episode 1 from Token Male dropped today.

I'm super excited to see Episode 2 later this weekend.  Many thanks to Rhoda, and to all of the lovely ladies and gentlemen who made this happen.

Today has been A DAY, so I'm gonna play some Night Shift and read.  See you guys in the morning before I head out to the More Than Pink walk.

Night Shift

Good evening, all!  I'm finally settling in to beta-test my friend Rich's new game Night Shift.  Rich is a DJ and an all-around awesome guy, and you should check out Night Shift.


Click on the button above to get in on the action.  I'm gonna play for a bit, then hit the sack.  My episode of Distorted Nation Radio airs on 96.5 FM in Sac at midnight, so catch me live if you happen to be up in 2.25 hours.  I'll try to post a link once the episode is on Soundcloud.  

See you guys in the morning.

Swiping Dealbreakers

Good evening!  I asked my friends on Facebook and Twitter to list things that are guaranteed left-swipes on dating apps, and this is a fairly comprehensive list.

1) Women in the picture (guys always claim it’s their sister)

2) Lots of group pictures where you can’t tell which one is the guy/girl

3) Selfies

4) Shirtless selfies

5) Gym selfies

6) Hotel room selfies

7) All selfies

8) People in their 30s “just looking for fun”

9) Saying in their profile that they went to the school of hard knocks (have you noticed that no one ever seems to graduate from this school?)

10) Flipping off the camera

11) Sticking out your tongue

12) A toilet in the background of a selfie (especially a metal toilet—like the prison selfie my friend received)

13) Facial tattoos

14) Civil war memorabilia

15) Pictures with your kids—I’ve touched on this subject before.  I would be too afraid of pedophiles

16) Cigarette smokers

17) Married men

18) Couples looking for a “bull” (I’m afraid to look it up on Urban Dictionary)

19) Too many political references in the profile (especially if they are extreme in either direction)

20) Appearing overly religious

21) Using the word “swolemate”

22) Bad grammar

23) Bad spelling

24) Pics taken far away so you can’t see the person's face

25) Extreme sports/fitness junkies

26) People who say “no drama” usually have a lot of it

27) People who look unclean

28) People who use lots of porn terms in their profile

29) “Separated” guys whose wives are actually just in the next room

30) Pictures of random things (and not the person)

31) People who say “I’m not racist, BUT”

32) When there is nothing written in the profile—only pics

33) Saying they’re looking for “someone special”

34) People who talk about how bored they are

35) Pics with your dog.  Is your dog coming on the date?  I would rather hang out with your dog, actually.

Want to add anything to the list or argue?  Comment below or e-mail me at nicole@thebeentheredonethatproject.com.

I'm probably going to be adding some different, non-dating-related content in the near future for reasons I'll get into at a later date.  If anyone has any ideas for that, you know where to find me.

I'm playing Doki Doki Literature Club and I'm almost at "that point", so I might not be sleeping much tonight.  Erin, let me know once you catch up!

See you guys in the morning.

Clinking Glasses

Good evening!  Tonight's post is a story written by Erin Mincks.  I met Erin at karaoke probably close to 10 years ago, and she is completely awesome.  We share a love of disturbing fiction and memes.  She sent me this story earlier today, and I am super excited to post it.

Note the rings

Note the rings

Backstory: Jessica bought me a book of writing prompts where the first few lines are written for you, and you complete the story.  I told Erin about it, and she was excited to join in.  This is one of those stories.  (Erin also bought me a different book of writing prompts that I am shamefully behind on.  I apologize.  I suck.)

Clinking Glasses

by Erin Mincks

I closed my eyes. The sound of people clinking glasses was beautiful, almost like wind chimes. Why, then, did I feel so unbearably sad? When I opened my eyes and looked around the table, I saw looks of pity. Looks of embarrassment. Looks directed at me. It wasn’t until then that I realized that I had tears running down my cheeks. Hot tears stemming from a rising anger that would soon stifle and overtake the sadness. Not wanting to attract more, unwanted attention, I quietly downed the remaining champagne in my glass and excused myself from the table to get some fresh air. Nearly outside of the reception hall, almost to the temporary comfort of the patio, I found myself face to face with none other than Ana and Ella, my newly-acquired sisters, who were obviously treasuring this fine occasion. Not only was their mother the new wife of a wealthy and admired attorney, they remained oblivious to the fact that I was absolutely miserable and tortured by the entire thing. They were quickly making themselves at home with complete disregard for the fact that my mother’s poor body wasn’t even cold yet.

“Whatcha doin’?” they yelped in almost comical unison.

“Oh, you know. Same as you… celebrating the wonderful bond of marriage connecting our families following the untimely death of my mother, under suspicious circumstances, might I add, while trying to convince my loved ones that I am in fact mentally stable and handling everything with the grace and maturity one would expect from a single 31-year old woman with no dreams or aspirations other than the current unmistakable desire for whiskey and a cigar. Did I miss anything?”

They stood there with their vacant eyes and plastic smiles plastered across their faces for what seemed like forever, before Ella responded, “Are you going to try the cake? I made it myself!”

While I should have been taken aback by this unrelated and absent-minted question, I wasn’t. After muttering something about not being able to conceal that gluten-free bullshit under frosting, I brushed by them and headed to the bar, leaving them with their thoughts. Gus, a close friend and resident bartender for the evening, must have overheard the conversation, because he had a nice glass of Irish single malt waiting for me. Tossing myself onto the stool and releasing a momentary sigh of relief, I grabbed for the bowl of pretzels, hoping for a taste of anything that wasn’t gluten-, yeast-, or sulfite-free, but of course I found the pretzels to be just that and they immediately disintegrated into dust. Conceding to defeat, I settled in with my glass and surveyed the room.

“How you holding up, Cyn?” Gus questioned, with the same pity in his voice as in the others’ eyes. He had been there through everything and I was lucky to have him in my corner.

“Fine, I suppose, considering the circumstances. My dad has no idea that he just married a blonde, gold digging version of Lucifer who may or may not be a murderer. And on top of that, her spawn are the absolute worst. Harmless, but still. Did you know Ana is a Yankees fan? I mean you live in Dorchester, for God’s sake. Have some dignity! And Ella?! This bitch thinks that Snow White is a lipstick color and that Papa Roach is the spokesperson for Raid. I mean, come on.”

“I once asked her if she’d seen Scarface and she said no, but that she should watch more documentaries about burn victims.”

“She likes the Chainsmokers.”

He cringed. “Oh, shit.”

“Yeah. Can’t make this stuff up. Nothing I can do now. I tried, but now it’s too late.” I said with a grumble and sipped the last of the whiskey.

“MOM! Mom, what’s wrong!?” I glanced over to where the cake cutting situation was going down to see Ana on her knees beside her mother, who was turning a variety of shades of blue while pointing to her throat, a gesture straight from the Help Me, I’m Choking to Death Handbook. Having not read this particular literature, Ana blinked and looked around for assistance. Eventually, amongst the concerned gasps and bellows for someone to call 911, one of the guests caught on and came to her aid. Shortly after, the sound of Barry White and murmurs from the crowd were drowned out by the sirens.

I asked Gus for another drink, neat this time.


After the cops were done interviewing witnesses and the body was shipped off to the morgue, there was a mixed shroud of sadness and confusion enveloping the remaining folks. I wandered over to comfort my father, who sat on the dance floor, staring off in disbelief. One minute he’d been carefully stuffing cake into his new bride’s mouth, and the next he was watching the life slip away from her eyes. As much as I despised the woman, I felt bad for the man. Glancing around, I noticed Ella consoling a sobbing Ana. She was lovingly, and oh so tactfully, telling her that it wasn’t her fault that their mom had choked to death. Surprisingly, this seemed to make the poor girl feel better. As I shook my head, taking in everything that had occurred over the last hour, I noticed the paramedic making his way through the crowd over to us, presumably to inform my father that his wife had suffocated on their wedding cake in an unfortunate accident and that he was sorry for our loss. However, he stated that she had in fact died after going into anaphylactic shock, due to a food allergy, and that if she had ingested any nuts during the evening. My dad slowly shook his head and told the paramedic that his wife was very particular about what she ate and that nuts were one food she avoided, in case of allergy, since she wasn’t actually positive (apparently the gluten allergy took precedence here). The EMT shrugged and walked off.

After the hall was cleared out and cleaned up, and I was able to talk my father into getting some rest, I found Gus still in the bar, wiping down the counters and counting his tips.

“So,” I said, with lack of a better phrase for the occasion.

“Yeah. So. Everyone alright?” 

“I guess so… Dad’s still in a little bit of shock. Not sure about Barbie and Skipper.”

“They actually stopped by not too long ago. They were trying to figure out what happened… getting input from the cooks and staff.”


“And they weren’t making any progress… ‘No gluten, yeast, or sulfites’ in anything,” he replied, pointing to the little reminder card the staff were all required to carry around. “The cooks all claim that they followed the guidelines to a T… not a rogue grain anywhere. The only thing they weren’t positive about was the cake.”

“Oh, the light green, lop-sided mess Ella made?” I laughed.

“Yeah. I believe she referred to it as pistachio.”

I looked up, ”What?”

“The color of the cake. She said earlier that it was a white sponge cake with a pistachio cream cheese frosting. Said that shade of green was her mom’s favorite. Whatever. Sounds gross, if you ask me.”

I agreed and popped a cardboard pretzel into my mouth.

WOW.  There are so many things that I love about the story.  The prose is amazing.  The ending literally took my breath away.  Thank you, Erin.  I hope that you'll let me post more of your writing soon.

If anyone else is interested in having something posted on this site, e-mail me at nicole@thebeentheredonethatproject.com.

One more day of work, and then I'm off to Portland.  I'm gonna get some sleep.  See you guys in the morning.