It's Cool, I'll Just Die Alone

As promised, here is my freak show Tinder conversation from this morning.  To give you a little background, my friend Krista went on one date with this guy a few months ago, but she said he gave off a weird, controlling vibe.  This guy also has a douchey shirtless profile pic.  

This is a long message thread, but trust me, the payoff is worth it.  Anyway, moving along:


Spoiler alert: he blocked himself after that last gem.  Thankfully I caught the screenshots in time.  I don't even know where to begin listing all that is wrong with this conversation.  Krista is mortified, as am I.  I have the sneaking suspicion that I would currently be dead had I gone out with this guy.

On a happier note, I got the iPhone X tonight, so I should be in a better mood now that I have a functional phone.  I'm off to shower and get my sweater and fanny pack together for the work ugly Christmas sweater party tomorrow.  If you guys feel inclined to discuss tonight's post, hit me up.  I'll probably be awake for at least another hour.